How to conquer Yahoo email
Step 1:
Click on your Inbox on the left hand side of the screen.
Step 2:
Any of the messages highlighted in bold are messages you have not read yet.
Step 3:
Click on the subject to read the message.
Step 4:
If you would like to reply when you are finished reading the message, click the "reply" box on the top (or bottom) of the email.
Step 5:
If you are finished with the message and do not want to save it, click on the delete button (again, above or below the message). It will land in the trash.
Step 6:
To empty the trash, click the empty trash option on the right. Then you can be sure the message will not be retrieved by another party without your knowledge. Emptying trash is the only way to remove the message entirely from the computer or storage.
Step 7:
To send a brand new message, click on the compose button in the left hand corner. Type the recipient's email address in the TO: field. If you have stored any email addresses, they will come up when you type the first letter of the recipient's name or email address for your convenience. Subject is optional.
Step 8:
Any messages you send will be in the "sent mail" folder. You can click on this folder on the left hand side to check if you have sent a message to a recipient. You can also delete messages out of here by checking the box in the delete column.
Step 9:
To add a contact (address), click add contact in upper-left-hand corner. Fill in first name and then skip down to the email address. If you want to enter more than one or a physical address, you may. You can add as much or little information as you like, even using this as an online Rolodex/date reminder if desired.
Step 10:
Click save if you are totally done or save and add another if you have more contacts on your list.
Step 11:
You can also add your contacts to a specific list of your creation. There is no limits to categories. You choose the name and the purpose. This is an optional step to organize many email addresses for different purposes.
Step 12:
If you receive unwanted email, which in Yahoo is almost expected, check the box to the right and click spam button on the top. This will tell Yahoo to send it to your bulk mail folder.
Step 13:
It is a good idea to check your bulk mail folder to ensure emails you want are not stored in there. If they are, you can remedy this by checking the box to the left of the email and click "not spam". This will land it in your Inbox.
Step 14:
An optional organizational step is that you can create a folder to store emails you want to keep. To do this click "Add" by the folders on the left. You can name it any name of your choice. If you cannot think of anything "read mail" or "work" or any of your hobbies/interests will do. There is no limit on the number of folders.
Step 15:
If you want to add photos or attach documents, you may do this by finding the file in your computer (usually in My Pictures or My Documents folder) and click attach. Keep in mind the attachment size may be limited by the recipient's email provider. Consider sending 2 or 3 emails if you have a lot of photos or documents.
Step 16:
This is meant to be an overview to get you started using Yahoo email and not a comprehensive Internet or Yahoo email guide. This touches on the major features only.
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